Wednesday 22 April 2015

Which challenges casting foundries faces for quality production?

For manufacturing of small products to big parts metal performs vital role in industries. If we are talking about casting product manufacturing industries then India is one of the leading nation in the world and the competition in India has expanded exponentially due to the new entrance in the casting industry.

Casting manufacturing foundries face onerous problems in searching the experienced and skilled labor who have ability of understanding and utilizing the advanced manufacturing equipments for the production of castings. High quality level of precision and commitment is required to for the production and on time delivery on these castings. Casting parts manufacturing foundries getting huge challenges while manufacturing the castings of desired shape, quality and range. 
Some of the raw materials required for the production of the castings are ferro alloy, pig iron, low ash coke and scrap and most of these materials are been subjected to price rise during the last few years. This hike in the price of the raw materials has put across a major hindrance for the casting exporters. Price hike has particularly affected the small scale castings manufacturers rather that the large scale companies who generally opt for long-term contracts with fixed price.

Reluctance of the labor to accept new technologies introduced into the markets is a stumbling block for the casting foundries to gain advantage and outperform the exporters from other countries. Retaining the skilled labor is also becoming hard these days as they are lured by other sectors. The other challenges producers encounter are the frequent power failures and the expensive energy costs. Energy costs are rather expensive in India when compared to other countries.

Energy is paramount when it comes to industries, as all the machineries in the industries require energy to operate. In order to increase casting parts manufacturing business all over the world high import duty should be decreased which encourages the casting manufacturers to spread their business.

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